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Tours of the UMD Library

Tours of the UMD Library are being offered the week of January 29th.

The tours will point out collections and resources that people may not be aware of, as well as architectural features. Learn about the media room, where the bestsellers are, where the best places are for quiet study, where the librarians' offices are, where the old journals are, where the microfilm is, how to borrow DVDs, where the newspapers are, where the Northeast Minnesota Historical Center is, and the location of the all-important Reference Desk.

Tour times:

Monday, January 29th, 2pm to 2:30pm
Tuesday, January 30th, 5pm to 5:30pm and 7pm to 7:30pm
Wednesday, January 31st, 9:30am to 10am

The tours will meet in the library lobby under the beautiful Chihuly glass sculpture.

Oh... Many people outside of UMD are not aware that they can use the UMD Library, including checking out books and DVDs and downloading articles. You can get a (free) community borrowing card that let's you do this. If you're in the library you can use any of the many many bibliographic databases that have tons of current scholarly research. So if you want to do research on something, this is a good place to go.

http://www.d.umn.edu/lib is the library's website....

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