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Anyone who appreciates art or just plain beautiful stuff should check out this store. It's an all-Indonesian furniture and whatnot place called IM Imports in a weird spot off Garfield Ave before Goodwill. It's at the far end of that big, ugly, gray, near-empty building that was built not long ago . There are some affordable things in there, but most of it is way out of my price range. You owe it to yourself to at least check out the large benches made from roots -- and the hand-carved table made from one single teak root (ahem... at $12,000). If you don't say "wow" at least once while walking through their showroom, there's something wrong with you. Super nice people run it, too, and they won't follow you around like ravenous weasels. I guess they also have a very small store store in Fitger's (or Dewitt Seitz?), but it's nothing compared to this. Very cool stuff. Open Mon - Sat at 10 am.

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