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Commenting 101


As I mentioned in this week's Budgeteer article, there are a lot of PDD members who've never posted. I think this is because many members have joined to comment, not post. PDD membership, however, is not required for commenting.

To comment on another person's post, you DO NOT need to be a PDD member. You do, however, need to sign up with TYPEKEY. Your PDD username and password DO NOT automatically work with TypeKey.

TypeKey is an third-party authentication service we use to eliminate spam. Like all aspects of Perfect Duluth Day, it is completely free of charge.

If this has confused you in the past, I hope this helps to clear things up.

In short: To leave a comment on someone else's post, sign in with TypeKey. To create your own post, sign in to your PDD membership.


I am in the middle of developing and marketing a program called mobatalk and can be found at www.mobatalk.com. We are taking our existing product, mychingo.com, and allowing for audio, video and text commenting in blogs. We are currently looking to launch mid feb. but you can get the mychingo product now.

Jeff Persch

There's irony here somewhere...

Being new to the site, I appreciate the guidance. I wonder how my grandmother would fare as a blogger here... Anyway, now that I know how, y'all better prepare for the verbal onslaught.

Post a comment

Seriously: If you click "post" more than once, you're going to end up looking really stupid.

If you don't see your comment after it's published, try refreshing your browser.