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Went and saw the new Phillip K Dick movie, A Scanner Darkly, this past weekend, as I was in the Twinkies anyways. It was pretty good overall. I have not read the book and so can not compare it to same. As well I tried not to overexpose myself to movie spoilers beforehand to keep it somewhat fresh. It was more a drug/addiction movie than a sci fic movie, so was not exactly what I was expecting. There where some genuinely funny scenes, and some of it was a little predictable. Definitely was a Dick-ian, (Dick-ish?) story, a bunch of second guessing as to people’s identities and what exactly was real vs. hallucination. I like the animation aspect quite a bit, with exception of how they did the eyes, the eyes where very dead/flat looking. Which MAY have been intentional given the subject matter, but intentional or not they detracted from the overall effect.
I would say it is a movie worth watching, I don’t think you would miss much by waiting until it came to DVD, and in fact that might help, as you can re-watch confusing parts. Overall I’d give it a solid ‘B’.



Did it have that jackass Keanu Reeves?

I enjoyed Linklater's other rotoscope Waking Life. Looking forward to seeing 'Scanner'- on DVD that is.

Somewhat disappointed no theatrical release in Duluth. Oh well, the DVD release should coincide nicely with our dark season.

Loved Waking Life and am looking forward to seeing Scanner even though the reviews have been tepid at best. I imagine it will make its way to Duluth.

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