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Beagle's Bikes Shirt Restoration Process Complete


The faded and deteriorated tank-top on the left is a hand-me-down from one of my brothers. I’ve worn it for at least 20 years. It was probably acquired from Beagle’s Bike and Ski Shop in about 1980.

Beagle’s was the place where all the West Duluth kids got their bikes back in the day. The store was on the corner of Central and Grand Avenues. It closed in the early 1980s.

I started to realize about 10 years ago that my favorite shirt wasn’t going to last forever, so I traced the logo onto a piece of paper before it totally faded.

Barrett Chase acquired that piece of paper at some point, and on Saturday he surprised me with the grey T-shirt on the right.

On Sunday I took my last bike ride in the blue tank-top. The ceremonial burning will probably take place the next time I use my grill.

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