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The Reincarnation Station

I was going to create a post about The Reincarnation Station even before I finished the test. My results were apparently not surprising.
Everyone knows what I am going to be (and hopefully will leave cream out for me). What will you be?


i am an alligator. 39% of the world is better than me.

i'm a bear. the better to eat you.

I'm a rhino.


Is that because I'm thick-skinned or because I'm horny?

No idea.

I am a Fox.
Seems quite true...
There's quite a bit of room for improvement in your life. If you continue to follow your current path, many obstacles will await you in your next life.

I'm going to be a gorilla. Thing is, I already act like a gorilla. Smell like one, too.

i, also, can look forward to being a rhino. though i think the "pirate name" quiz was a lot more thorough.

I'm going to be an elephant....

*insert elephant noise here*

Hopefullly I won't be poached for my feet or my tusks and won't die of dehydration in the desert because of global warming
... but if i do, i suppose i deserve it, right? atleast i'll be able to hear infrasound ... and possibly be privvy to the meaning of life.

I'm an elephant...

I'm a parrot... 36% of people will be reincarnated as a higher life form... anybody got some crackers?

a peacock. . .what the fuck does that mean?

If you don't know I'm sure it's not my place to tell you.


typical rhino statement

i want to be a fox (my fav animal) but i was bear :(

im a heyina

Im a owl one of the highest and only 9% when be better than me

Im a owl one of the highest and only 9% when be better than me.

I did it the first time and I was a wolf, then I did it again and I was an aligator.

I then did all the bad ones and I was a squirl, I said "A squirl, I love squirls." and my friend nearly laughed his head off. :K

I was really offended at the special question, cuse I'm special. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Stuped people make fun of usp! Ultra Special People!!!

I was a fly, well, atleast I don't have to suffer for long, only a month, then maybe I can be a peaCOCK or something.

I was a penguin. Great, now I'll have to go without food for 5 months to a year. And my children will probebly die before they get my age, then a giant iceburg will crush the whole popultation of penguins because of global warmming. Or maybe the whole world will flood. Or I'll be one of the ones that get frozen on the ice because my parents are dumb teens. Who knows

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