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The Greatest Band on Earth


For fear that this news might have gotten lost among all the recent insulting and debating, I would like to reiterate Cork's post: BONE-AP-PETIT! BONE-AP-PETIT! BONE-AP-PETIT!

Seriously. You need to check out the ongoing 30 Days of Bone Appetit History over at sexiestband.com.

In addition to reading tales of yore, you can:

- Watch videos of Bone Appetit performing live.
- Download the album Love, Lust, and Rock 'n' Roll, free of charge
- Download Bone's rare self-titled album, which includes a powerful cover of "You Shook Me All Night Long" (also free)

What the hell are you doing here?



The cover of "You Shook Me All Night Long" is, as the Ripsaw said, particularly shocking. My favorite part is when Hotrod sings, "Now I'm back in the ring, to take another .. spin."

Not even I, the world's biggest Bone Appetit apologist, can believe that disc got them a show.

That is music to make love by.

The thing I remember about Homegrown 3 was Richie Gunns walking around shirtless chanting "Bone Appetit" all night. It was really, really annoying.

thanks for the plug Barrett!

Hey Cork I got your messge- I don't have a long distance cell to call you in CO- See you at Homegrown

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