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speaking recently / had to construct much hailku / it reminded me

Perfect Duluth Day
For haiku the name is great
Ah, past memory


I was way to shy
To try my hand at haiku
When St. G hosted

I've been composing haiku for the last couple of months in hopes of winning a contest.

I have five now, hopefully one of them will tip the scale in my favor.

Grand prize is a 4lb Ambex coffee roaster.

Where is this contest?
Hubby loves coffee too much
And can do Haiku.

Oh my f-ing God!
Like the sweet wind of springtime
Haiku! PDD!

Sweet resurrection!
Fear not PDD haiku
For I am with you.

fear not the reaper
nay! not even new poetry
Compose! Create! Now!

Only 6 posts here...
WTF is that about?
Try again later.

Flame of haiku wanes
Perhaps it's the blowing snow
frozen fingers, ouch!

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