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gathering (free pdd stickers)

The spouse is gone for the weekend and I'm at loose ends, anyone want to have a pdd potluck/gathering on Sunday evening? Can use my house, I'll even pick people up from the downtown area if you are vehicle-less. Perhaps a short Hartley hike before...?

mmm, how about three ayes to make it happen (more then 3 welcome)

Don't be shy, I don't bite, have good references, and contrary to rumors put forth by the penguin mafia am not arrogant


tamara and I are down...sunday evening?

what can we bring?

tamara and I are down...sunday evening?

what can we bring?

tamara and I are down...sunday evening?

what can we bring?

V-Nick and I are in. Of course we are Vegan bastards. We can bring a main dish and some appetizers.

Angel & I are in. What time should we show up?

When the cat's away...

I'll bring a bottle of Bacardi 151 and some Mexican fireworks.

Is your insurance up to date?

Cool cool. I'm thinking 6pm.
Other than Starfire and V-nick anyone have dietary concerns?

As to what to bring... Sounds like there is going to be a vegan entree, I'll make a Gorgonzola/pasta dish and some chocolate mouse (and investigate vegan deserts). So... bring something tasty, bread, salad, wine, side dish Mexican fire... oh, wait...

I'm pretty sure I have your email IDN so I'll send the address. I'll post again if I can't find it (your email, not my address).

No absinthe Barrett? Just let me get my valuables out of the way before you light those suckers. (hey, this way I won't have to replace the roof sometime in the next few summers)

ohhh chocolate mouse! wouldn't that be...chocolate MICE (ya can't eat just one o them little suckers)?

mmm...sounds like there's a pseudo-quasi-semi-italian theme thingie going on here so...bruchetta? and a salad...and olives...

ehh...we'll think of something...

Hmmm...may be able to make it, maybe not. The little pirate's at his dad's until 5 that night.

I'd love to come. I can bring some sort of vegetable side dish thingee. Just let me know the address.

if anyone else needs directs let me know

no pumpkin please. I'm allergic. : )

How about Deviled Eggs? I can handle that.
Howabout the salad. I have the apples and carrots and celery and lettice and cabbage.

I cant make it but please wear jumpsuits and take pictures.

Then take them off and take pictures

No nuts, legumes, or shellfish or I will die.

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