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Found @ Cub



Coincidentally, "Baby Mum-Mum" is my pet nickname for my friend Sherman.

Hey, that was supposed to be a secret!!!

frickin copy-cats

I am very disturbed by the "hot kid" at the top corner of the package.

Yeah, and the kid isn't even all that hot!

okay. i eat weird food. but what the hell is a "rice rusk"? when you Google it, they only appear to exist in the Baby Mum-Mum world, and "Hot Kids" appear to be the only ones to allege that "rice rusks have been an essential part of a toddler's diet in the Orient for over a century."

really? essential? rice rusks?

someone please explain.

–noun 1. a slice of sweet raised bread dried and baked again in the oven; zwieback.
2. light, soft, sweetened biscuit.

Everything about that product looks Japanese (except for the lack of Japanese characters, of course).

Actually, it's made of babies.

I thought it was made of mums.

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