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Patrick, I don't think we're in Duluth anymore

I found this image on Flickr when I typed in Park Point Duluth.
The title of the entry is Patrick on his way to the Lake Superior Pier at Park Point in Duluth, Minnesota.
Am I crazy ...? Where is this wonderful place?
You can see from this image that he was close to Lake Superior at one point.



The Anchor Bar pic sure looks for real, but the Lake Superior Pier image looks a lot more like the Santa Monica Pier to me.

I was going to say it looks like Santa Monica Pier as well. So that MUST be where it is.

Y'all obviously haven't been to Santa Monica. That's Steel Pier in New Jersey.

I have been to Santa Monica. But I haven't been to New Jersey.

I haven't been to NJ either (thank god) but Santa Monica Pier is pretty much right on the beach/street, there's no weird nasty grass like in that picture. And the rollercoaster is no where near as big looking as that one.

Anyway, I think that's really funny that they have that labeled Duluth when it's obvious that it's an ocean. Maybe they were drunk.

Oh. I've been to the Santa Monica pier. I'm just trying to purge the whole concept of LA, so the memory is a bit fuzzy. I

I am flying home from LA as we speak. That is NOT LA -- Santa Monica Pier doesn't have gazeboes. Looks like East Coast to me with that grass, too

It's Duluth, Georgia.

Well, wherever he is, he sure looks happy to be there.

If you click on the "around duluth" link from the anchor bar picture it opens up shots of the Duluth Family Sauna and a whole new world of hand puppets in Duluth, including a fascinating murder mystery starring Bert. I must be wasting time at work again ...

I decided this using absolutely flawless logic:

1) Patrick is a warm-water creature, so he would have to head north to Duluth.

2) If you take a picture pointing North, east will be on your right.

3) In this picture, the sea/ocean is on the right.

4) If Patrick is not at Duluth, then he must be someplace where the sea/ocean would be on the East side as the picture were taken.

5) The Ocean is on the left(West) side on the West Coast.

6) Therefore, Patrick is on the East Coast.


Duluth GA is not on the water.

This Patric got kicked off the Flicker Duluth photographer's guild, he was a real prick.

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