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I am having NO LUCK in my attempts in locating a DULUTH ESKIMOS LOGO

{Preferably something LARGE/High-resolution}

Any suggestions or links outside of the typical google-image-search
would be appreciated.

Thanks! Duluth


I'm fairly sure Tony D of X-Communications would have one.

And as an aside, I had an uncle named Sherlock Watson (his first and middle names) - crazy!

My understanding is Tony had to recreate / tweak the Eskimo© logo.

tonyx [at] x-communication [dot] org

Yep, the 1926 logo is a hand-drawn mess. I recreated it for the "Leatherheads of the North" book. Adam had the email right.

(p.s. Hey other Tony, the guy who has been sparring with Danny of late. Could you add your last initial to your name when you post? We may agree on many things, but I don't want to have to cash a check written with your words. Thanks!)

Haha, I wondered if you were the combative one, Tony D - (though you are more erudite...)

There's one on the Duluth Eskimos Wiki page here:


But yeah, you're going to have to re-build it if you want it large.

Thanks, GFNC. Mostly I just lurk the PDD to keep up with the hep lingo the kids use these days. Those who know me are well aware I otherwise have a tough time keeping my opinion to myself. And while my opinion of Danny may not be very high, I try not to let the likes of him goad me into even a well-intended correction. Seems to me he and others before him have just been trying their best to pick fights, to see what trouble he can stir up with this bunch of "raving liberals." Each time one of us responds, it just fuels him. He obviously does not get enough attention from the authority figures in his life, which I can only guess include his mom and dad and his nineteen-year-old shift supervisor at Taco Johns. What's the phrase you bloggers use? "Don't feed the troll?"

GFNC, would this response be erudite or combative? Did I just feed the troll by suggesting we let him starve? Time for my medication!

I love it when people respond to Danny and those like him under the auspices of "not responding" to them.

Erudite, as ever. Just like those old days when we were in Maiolo's class together.

GFNC: How would you remember that? You were busy flirting with that guy with the pony tail....

Yeah, we know how well that turned out.

Still kills me.

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