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whats a rumprunner?

Doublerumpracerweb.jpgAfter all this talk of rump runners I thought I'd do a web search and guess what PDD'ers have been accused by the icky blog of being cute norwegian sleds. I found this website

Rump Runner (Double) A TRADITIONAL NORWEGIAN RUMP RUNNER. Traditionally made in Lillehammer in Norway since the dawn of time. Still used by the Children of Lillehammer to go to school. MADE IN NORWEGIAN PINE and beautifully decorated.

I chose the double rump runner as a example cuz it aint fun to solo rump run.

Now this begs a few observations:

1. Made in Lillehammer. The poster from DCB must have knowledge of this place. Perhaps the poster, or his kin, are from Lillehammer or "Small Hammer".

2. Since the posts on DCB are approved by someone, we can assume that their kind holiday thoughts come from the site operators. In return, to place on the seasonal table, I offer Ben Dover our huge yule log. Please accept our warmest holiday wishes.


Yes, but what's a ball ass?

A giant curled-up donkey?

To add to that, what is a pudknocker? I love that website!!!

They're really starting to froth at the mouth over there.

Gay-bashing and homophobia is so...sophisticated.

rumprunner, bendover, pudknocker, ball ass this has to be rated XXX I've hear of pulling the pud but pudknocker?

truth hurts, eh?

errrrrr maybe it was pounding the pud.

By the way, kids don't use "rumprunners" to get to school in Lillehammer, they use spark sleds.

When I was in Finland in 2006, I'd see 80-year-olds kicking the two miles into town down the sidewalks. At -25F.

I'd love to get a kicksled. Anyone know of a place in Duluth that sells them?

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