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More politicing!

John Edwards
Score: 50
Stem-Cell Research
Health Care
Social Security
Line-Item Veto
Death Penalty

-- Take the Quiz! --

I've been an Edwards supporter since he ran for Vice-President with John Kerry. Then I had the pleasure of meeting John Edwards when he helped me escape the mad rally at UMD and my estimation of him grew. And I think he's the guy to run this country. And this quiz just confirmed it, as scientific as it is! :)

(Interestingly enough, I took the MPR version of this quiz and scored the same!)

Who's your candidate?

(sorry about the crazy html crap going on.. the table didn't want to do what I wanted it to do so I had to rig it a bit.)


Although I am undecided I came up with Edwards first and Mccain last.

I'm supporting Edwards myself but according to the quiz my views match most closely with Kucinich, Gravel, Richardson, Dodd, Edwards then Ron Paul, in that order. Of course I would vote for Kucinich, Gravel or Richardson over Edwards if they had the capacity to win, so I think the quiz is fairly accurate.

On a side note, I too was an Edwards supporter in 2004 but when Edwards impressed me the most is when he spoke at the Buffalo House in the fall of 2006. He'd just returned from Africa and spent most of his speech talking about poverty, the image America has in the rest of the world and what we as a country can do to be more benevolent toward those in need. I'd never seen a politician speak to an audience with so little regard for any of the hot-button issues. His commentary seemed heartfelt and it was impressive to see a presidential candidate talk honestly about America in less than flattering terms and suggest viable but ambitious solutions.

Kucinich came up tops for me, but actually almost all of the Democrats were bunched close together at the top.

Minnesota always(at least that I remember) votes for the Democratic choice for President so in some ways it is a waste of time to vote for president. Voting for other candidates makes sense though. Maybe one of you geniuses could tell me the last time Minnesota went Republican for President? Who was it that won every state in the Union but Minnesota?

In 1984, it was only Minnesota and DC that voted for Mondale. The rest of the nation went for Reagan. The last time MN went Republican was 1972, we went for Nixon. Before that, MN went for Eisenhower both times.

Along those lines it is worth noting that the parties change over time. So the republican party of today was not Nixon's, or Eisenhower's party. Hell, Lincoln was republican. The same can be said about the democrats, of course. (if Nixon ran today he'd be nearly branded a communist)
So in a real sense it is nearly pointless to compare parties over more then a ten to twenty year period.

On Topic, I like Edwards, and if he isn't knocked out of the race by the time our primary rolls around I'll prolly vote for him, he is the only one out of everyone who talks about poverty issues. Then, Obama. This is discounting the few that don't stand a rats ass of moving beyond the initial stages.

Minnesota is a highly contested state. In 2004 there were 1,346,695 votes for Bush and 1,445,014 for Kerry. Don't neglect your civic duty out of party arrogance.

http://glassbooth.org/ is a similar quiz that works pretty well and has good references.

Can we vote for the robot that runs the poll?

Nettles, I like that poll better. Seemed more thorough in weighting your opinions. Nevertheless, I got almost exactly the same results. Kucinich, once again, at the top.

None of the above.

If I were inclined to vote (civic duty - ha!), Ron Paul would get my vote. But I haven't voted since Jesse ran for Governor.

I see no reason to vote. It changes nothing, it wastes my time, and doesn't even give me that warm, tingly feeling that it once did.

No matter which candidate you vote for (even Dr. Paul) you will get more of the same: more unnecessary wars, more intrusion into your personal life, more taxes taken from your paycheck.

Why encourage them? If you must vote, (if it takes a little sticker on your lapel to make you feel good about yourself), vote for none of the above.

Shut this cancerous growth down.

Personally I like political compass. It's much more scientific and you get a visual of where the candidates stand.(www.politicalcompass.org)

p.s. For the majority of these comments, Kucinich is the preffered candidate, yet nobody here seems to think he's electable.

Is it just me, or is there something terribly wrong here?

I once favored Edwards, too, until I read of his thousand dollar haircuts and saw a picture of his enormous southern mansion. His real life doesn't jive with his "help the poor" image.

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