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If you have the time, I would love to hear your experience(s)
with this get-you-in-the-car-and-out-the-door-honeymoon-ends dealer.


I picketed them once. I got my '93 VW Fox there. I got the special refundable warranty for it..this was the kind that they would give back if you don't use it. Well, the time period passed without me using it and so I was wondering where my money was and why it wasn't coming off my loan. They sold the dealership and I had to get in contact with the previous owner. So I end up in an answering machine war with this crazy woman who is telling me she does have the money and will be sending a check to my bank asap...I think her name was Marny or Marmy...she sucked. I got tired of waiting. So I made a big sign and made a big stink in front of Benna. They threatened to call the police and informed me of my lack of rights..I ended up getting the manager to call this woman and remind her of the urgency of my financial need. (I was really nervous and did end up in tears at one point.) I got the money back shortly after that.

I have never had a problem with Benna Ford, There new owners are awesome. I believe its pat something. They help our community more than anyone I know (in regards to donations). I guess I dont know your situation but I know alot of people who recommend benna

Its funny how benna ended up helping you but u were quick to post negativity about them on the internet, people like you make me laugh, r u not an adult that can handle a problem like an adult. I mean really, u r a joke!!! You probally complain about everything every day. they have been under new ownership for 4yrs and I know they help everybody they can, so i dont know who u talked to, but yet at the end of your bitching it looks liked they helped

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