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How Do They Do It?


The Dr. Who theme song video prompted Lydia to go get the SK-1 I gave her and play with lots of portamento...I watched and basked in geek-papa joy as my two (almost three) year old jammed out with the BBC sound engineer. Thank you and god help us.

Vintage synth heaven! Big buttons! Ring modulators! Oscillators! Yeah!

My kids and I have been watching the new Doctor Who series and loving it. Simon thinks the Doctor Who theme song is the second best tv theme song ever, bested only by The Tick theme song.

Um, watching someone blend an iPhone was just cruel and painful.

I liked the "old-fashioned" phaser gone wrong.
And he had really nice fingernails.

If you like the style of the Dr. Who theme, check out Ray Lynch. Some of his music is eerily similar with the bouncing bass and haunting treble (I'm thinking of "No Blue Thing" in particular).

I used to have an album (yes, an LP) by Ray Lynch called Deep Breakfast that I remember liking as a teenager. I think I lost it many moves ago.

Ah, Deep Breakfast, I knew it well once upon a time

geepers, there's a memory from way way back! I haven't heard Deep Breakfast in a while...perhaps more than a decade.

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