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DNT poll - let's flood it

MrNice_300px.jpgMr. Nice is the subject of a DNT article and poll today. On the main page you can find the article about how Mr. Nice is trying to gain access to the ballot and you can find a poll which asks the question: "Would you vote for a puppet?" As if we've never elected a puppet before!

While I was writing this it was reported on MPR as well.


chuckle...i posted the clickit to the poll in the previous post...

just thought it was a hoot.

seriously, let's flood it.

I'm thinking those crackers over there on the Citizen's Blog would have a heart attack.

Today we rocked the foundations of the power structure onto its ontological ass. Plus it cannot be denied that a pluralithy of Duluthians would vote for a puppet if it could balance the budget. Just follow your dreams. Next up: the Nice Campaign turns all its guns towards Herb Bergson.

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