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Uncle Loui's Burns!

Uncle Loui's Burns!

Circa 7pm today I noticed the smoke billowing out of Uncle Loui's Cafe on 4th Street, and luckily I had my trusty camera at my side. About a minute later the D.F.D. arrived, busted in though the glass and put out the smouldering blaze.

Guess we won't be having any gyro omelets anytime soon. Oh, well.

UPDATE: $75,000 in damages


It is sad if they can't reopen. I am guessing it will be hard for them to do so.

The damage is now at 100,000 from the fire.

damn it. I will fondly remember my Loui's post-prenantal checkup diet--gyro and chocolate shake. So sad. We already miss Loui's and now we'll miss it more!


A sad, sad day in Duluth! We'll miss you, Uncle Louis...especially the eggs benedict.

Just when I got a full card for a free meal too... DAMM IT... Please reopen soon.. Your friend Jeremy

Just when I got a full card for a free meal too... DAMM IT... Please reopen soon.. Your friend Jeremy


cheer up kids. uncle louis is back in business. you can now enjoy gyros omlettes and eggs benedict everyday.

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