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Save Internet Radio

Corporate interests are hard at working making sure you don't have a choice because they make more money when you have no choices.

I'm not sure about you but I LOVE internet radio. It is a fantastic way to find new artists and who really wants to listen to the radio that is provided for us locally.. Sure there are some good stations and I do listen to them but it is usually the same songs over and over and commercials that I cant stand. I am asking that you take 2 minuets to go to this web page and support internet radio rights. savenetradio.org/ Our rights are being taken away and we need to stop big business Clear Channel from telling us what we should hear. We are in danger of loosing internet radio all together and we must act now! Please visit savenetradio.org/ and following the links to write your congress man or woman. It is easy and they even have it all written out for you. Here is a link to find and write your congress man or woman www.house.gov/writerep/

copy and paste this into a letter to your congress man or woman today...
I do not support The Copyright Royalty Board's (CRB) March 2nd decision to substantially increase royalty rates. Not only will it impact my choices, but the Recording Industry Association of America's (RIAA) manipulation of these rates, and the CRB's indifference will hurt working artists, damage small record labels and force law abiding small webcasters, already paying a large portion of their revenue per month in royalties, out of business. This decision will also damage hundreds of small businesses providing goods and services to working artists, small record labels and small webcasters.

I respectfully ask that you evaluate the CRB decision and do whatever is necessary to establish a reasonable royalty rate for all the parties involved.


SOLD! Just mailed it.



Thanks for supporting internet radio from WolfRadio. Lets keep this outstanding selection a FREE service and not bow to the rich!!!

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