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In Soviet Russia, House Brew You!

I remember years & years ago sitting at the Brewhouse with one of my friends when out of no where he just goes "Everyone here loves the Brewhouse. That is so Soviet." Then we took in the coaster as a whole. That saying, slapped on top of a huge red star. So we got to saying how the Brewhouse was our favorite (Soviet|Communist|Socialist) place to eat.

Then we catch wind that they are opening up a night club. This night club ends up being named "The Red Star". Ok, Now we have what we called the most (Soviet|Communist|Socialist) dance club in Duluth. And our suspicions are confirmed, just a wee bit more.

Then we hear they expanding into burritos. The day I first heard this rumor, I couldn't wait to see how it would play into the (Soviet|Communist|Socialist) theory. Months go by, and finally we catch the name in a paper. "Burrito Union." Perfect. It was all falling right into place.

Then, today for the first time I spied their logo.

I love when I confirm that I'm not completely batshit. I want one now dammit.


and only four blacks from my house...eeeeexxxceeelllleeennnttt...

Poo brown and poo green are not two colors I would have thought to use in a burrito logo...OR...Is it subliminal advertising at it's best?

After thinking about the color scheme comment, the "O's" look to me like, well... sphincters. Maybe it is subliminal. Maybe I just have a dirty mind. Or both.

When the hell is this place going to open???

this place sucks, the service is horrible

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