Oh, the horror...

Somebody slap me...
Seeing Sally Struthers' face on the last post made me think of Barbie - not just any Barbie, but the Western Barbie that winked one bright-aqua blue eyeshadowed eye when you moved her arm. Back then, that was pretty hi-tech for Barbie. I didn't have one, but I remember thinking that the neighbor girl that did was *so* cool... So I thought I'd do some googling on Barbie, for purely nostalgic reasons, since Ezra has banned Barbie from playing any type of role in the MoonBaby's life. (I don't mind, even though I still have all of my Barbies from growing up.)

Imagine my surprise when I read this... and then read this...

Two reputable news sources - CNN and CBS - actually devoted airtime to these stories. Am I really so naive that I can't imagine that the general public actually *cares* that two plastic dolls, regardless of the iconic status of Barbie, broke up and now are engaged in typical Hollywood dramas?

Please, can someone enlighten me? Or pelt me with Barbie heads until I get it?


I had that exact same Barbie - with the palomino!
Ken has never been the same to me since he wore that cock ring a few years ago...

Whoa. Flashback. I had this Barbie, but for some reason I remember her in a blue outfit. I do know we cut all her hair off and disassembled the winking eye.

A message for Ken: come ON. If she dumps the Aussie surfer for you she'll probably dump you for some other schmuck. Besides, you've been tapping that for what 60 YEARS?! Get over her, dude. She's over you.

One more thing. From the 2nd article:

"So, who can say if Barbie and Ken will live happily ever after?

That, says Hickey, may be too much to ask, but they're officially expected get back together in time Valentine's Day."

Looks like we're promoting the holiday booty-call over marriage to the kiddies. Is that just an outdated notion?

You know what really scare me? Those Bratz dolls. Creepy as hell.

to be clear...I never specifically banned Barbie and Co. from Hazel's childhood...it's the Bratz dolls that I'm not too enthusiastic about.

Perhaps I'm a little old fashioned...but I don't feel that the Bratz dolls convey the positive image that I'd like my daughter to aspire to.

Saw this in last week's issue of Time, kind of a funny rumination on Barbie dolls vs. Bratz...


There is something decidedly unsettling about those Bratz dolls--like this lady writes, I think it's got a lot to do with those ice queen expressions on their faces. Ick.

Though I can admire the Bratz for their bad attitudes (especially the punk line), the Babyz really creep me out.
Sexy babyz in halter tops - ick.

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