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Big Truck

A few weeks ago, I was lying in bed watching Jaws. My husband (who always falls asleep hours before me) was snoring and farting almost too loud for me to hear my favorite part. So I got to thinking, how in the world did I get here? What turn of events came to be that I wound end up watching TV next to this sexy son of a bitch snoring and farting away? I thought about it for a week or so and came up with this: Big Truck! When we met, he had a really big truck. When I was a teenager, that was high on my list of priorities - boyfriends with cool vehicles. So 13 years and a couple of kids later, here I am.

Does anybody out there ever think about crap like this? I'm curious to know.

By the way, I popped my cherry tonight on this entry. I've just recently been turned on to PDD and have been enjoying it thoroughly. Thanks all.


no no...thank YOU.

never in my life have I heard such gratuitous use of the word 'fart,' or the phrase'popped my cherry.'

color me incensed...chuckle...

Jaime, your post just made my day, I'm sure my wife is thinking the same thing about me. Without the Big Truck. Which gets me to thinking, why the hell DID she marry me? Guess I'm just one of the lucky ones. Which also gets me to thinking, have you seen the proliferation of fat guys with hot wives on TV lately. King of Queens, Still Standing, According To Jim...and I'm sure there are many more out there that I'm not thinking of. What I'm getting at is that it used to be difficult for those of us that are slender-challenged. When I was in High School, if you were fat, good luck getting the math geek chick to look at you, let alone the captain of the cheerleading squad or anyone on the Homecoming court. Now it's de rigeur, the fat guy gets the hot chick, no problem. No more having girls walk up to you and pretend to poke you and then making a hissing noise like the air being let out of a balloon...And so when I do land the hot chick (and of course she is the love of my life) and feel like I've just climbed Everest, here are all kinds of fat guys with hot chicks plastered all over the television.

Anyway, where was I...
Oh yeah, great post Jaime, you really did make my day.

Ever think that the fat guys with the hot wives weren't so fat when they started out in their journey of marital bliss?

TV has shown us to be a wife, you must remain thin and neat. To be a husband, all you have to do is show up...

I think the whole fat guy with skinny chicks on TV thing is because the writers are fat, and this is their dream. It's their greatest dream. Turns out TV also bodes that fat chicks are...wait a minute there are n't fat chicks on TV.

ok. Maybe talk show hosts and studio audiences. How about a show about some huge fat chick with some buff skinny guy. Now wouldn't that be weird.

The flip side is that TV shows us that men are slovenly fuckups who can't figure out what to do when they get the sniffles. Women are superheroes who hold the family together and look great doing it.

I in no way meant my rant to be a slight on math geek chicks, even in high school I thought math geek chicks were hotter than cheerleaders.

I hate the word "fart", I've never liked ugly words. I don't mind "passing gas" though, it's far more poetic.

hmm...don't like the word 'fart,' eh? how about 'Flatulence'...

everything on tv is real. i've learned that if nothing else.
fart is a swear word in some homes. they use "fluffer" or "silent but deadly" or "let one."
instead of fuck they say "made love".
go figure.
ever let a fluffer while making love?

I would sooner die than make love. Me and the old man hump.

Geroge Carlin said once that there are eight different types of farts...

the Fizz, the Fazz, the FizzFazz, the Rip, the Shit
the Tear Ass, the Snorter,
and the one that goes wwwhhooossshhh!!!!

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