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For those of you wondering...

...Takk for Maten - the Scandinavian cafe downtown on Lake Avenue - has suffered a bit of a setback but WILL REOPEN!

A steam pipe malfunctioned, flooded the store with like 200-percent humidity air, and did stuff like warping the floors and melting all the chocolate.

They're cleaning things up and will be closed a few weeks. There already was some ongoing renovation work on the front of the building - so it may kind of look like the place is gone - but they're planning on coming back better than ever.

If you hadn't yet heard about Takk for Maten, here's a link to an earlier PDD post


Yikes! We love this place! My daughter is obsessed with the lingonberry waffles and the ladies that work there are so nice. Hope they are up and running soon.

I was wondering what happened there! I'm glad that it's not leaving (hope all goes well in the reconstruction)!

I was wondering too. Melted chocolate. So sad. So sad.

"Melted chocolate. So sad. So sad."

Oh, the humanity.

Oh, good! I saw the construction and thought they closed :(

I was wondering about this. My wife and I were going to go there for breakfast this past weekend. They should put a sign on the plywood covering their entrance. They should also change the outgoing message on their voice mail. I figured we had another casualty of the current economy.

I'm so glad to hear that they will be back. I love the lefse wrap sandwiches.

I need a LEFSE DOG!

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