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DTV conversion test

Wed. nights for the last 4 years I've gotten together with a swell bunch or cats called Tangier 57. Now we're testing systems so that we can webcast our rehearsals/cd recording sessions/psychedelic elevator rides. You're invited.


Great! Will you blog about it after? Can I IM you during?! I just can't seem to get enough of that 57 sauce! Thank god for the internets!

lolz, omg I'm in yr mom's HD

Tangier 57...change you can believe in.

fun fact:

The Seattle band Sky Cries Mary was the very first band to webcast a concert in 1994.

Chris Prudhomme (now living in San Francisco) wired up a performance art project I did at the Depot back in '90 or '91 for a live webcast. It was only 10 frames per minute, but it was cool!

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