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not sayin, just sayin

Paul Lundgren Blagojevich.jpg

Now, Paul, about that vacant council seat....


wrong. just wrong.


nice hair.

very councilmanlike.

Ha! I know I'm supposed to look like Rod Blagojevich in that little Photoshop job, but I think I look more like Florian Chmielewski.

Baci, if you'd like to conspire with me in a "pay to play" scheme to get you into the Chmielewski Fun Time Band, I might be able to arrange something, but I can't help you with the open council seat.

Paul, you look very statesmanlike in that pic. I would definitely support your candidacy if you greased my palm with some cold cash. Just sayin'.

by no means did I intend to get paul started on palm greasing...That's a slippery slope

does the Chmielewski Fun Time Band still exist? (i guess google.) my friend had purse made of the front and back of their album knit tegether in the middle in like the early ninties.? and it looked old then.

Yes, they are! I saw them at the Bayfield County Fair last summer. :-) Still fabulous as always.


As a former teacher of Paul's at UWS, I must say I've never been prouder of him. But Paul, you might want to try the Campus Barber Shop. Just $12 for a close clip. Ear hair is free.

Speaking of Mike Simonson, did he have to smoke 5 packs per day of Camel Straights to get that awesome voice, or what?

Yeah, Mike Simonson and Duke Skorich have the two hottest voices on local radio.

I love Lucky Strike straights. But the issue is Lundgren's cool doo.

Thanks. Happy New Year.

One more thing for anyone out there: I'd like to do a "Final Edition" on local bloggers. Any suggestions?

Either I read this blog too much or Paul is over exposed.

I had a dream about him last night and I never met the guy.

I'd share the dream, but PDD imaginations would be way better than it actually was.

I assumed the hair was a tribute to Jim Stauber.

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