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Solstice in Duluth

Any one know of any public celebrations.

Solstice is Today at 6:05 pm Local, I believe. Correct me if I have that wrong..


It was 6:04AM, this morning.

I didn't see this comment until now, so I'm sorry it's late: Every year for the past seven or 10 or so, Two Harbors has had a solstice celebration at the TH Lighthouse. Bonfire, drumming, s'mores, bells in the pilot house, the holly-and-oak story, telescope when the weather and moon permit, throwing oak leaves on the fire, dancing, etc. Very pagan, and very cool. Watch for it next year. There's a celebration of the harvest moon every year, too.

T'is'okay. The original post was late as well.

You can come party with me in my driveway.... wtf is with 'comment submission error'?

You can come party with me in my driveway.... wtf is with 'comment submission error'?

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