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Help Save Lifehouse

Lifehouse is a Duluth nonprofit serving low-income, high-risk, and homeless youth, ages 14-21, by assuring access to housing, education and employment opportunities. They are in desperate need of funds to continue their work. There will be a fundraiser held this Friday, December 5 from 4:30- 6:30 PM at Life House Youth Center. The center is located at 102 W. First St., Duluth. Help support the fundraiser by volunteering to:

* bring 3 dozen cookies or bars
* spread the word about the event with your friends, family, coworkers, and others
* help set up for the event December 5 beginning at 3:30

Email Belissa Ho at [email protected] if you want to help. You can visit Life House at www.lifehouseduluth.org.


Purple what a great event. I just wish I had some more prep time to make something. But I will make my best effort to attend.

Purple what a great event. I just wish I had some more prep time to make something. But I will make my best effort to attend.

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