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hell yeah.

god is an astronaut


I've been humming "A Deafening Distance" for days. With gusto. And for that I am sorry.

hmm...typekey told me that there was an error on my post, so i thought it might have been the clip, so i chose another fave and got the same message (hence the one above which by the time you see this will probably be deleted...by me...).

turns out they worked.

I'm actually on a big hunt for Young Mountain by This Will Destroy You. I've had it on order @ the Fetus for months, but nothing's turned up. TWDY's s/t album is great as well...and will likely be pretty high up on my top ten for '08, seeing as how I didn't buy that many albums this year.

The only other "new" one I bought I believe was Sigur Ros' "með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust."

Sounds like an intro to some epic rock trilogy!!!!!

Who is this?


Sounds like an intro to some epic rock trilogy!!!!!

Who is this?


Sounds like an intro to some epic rock trilogy!!!!!

Who is this?


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