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Dirty Sexy Denny


This was probably the best thing I've seen on TV in months. During tonight's episode of Dirty Sexy Money, someone down at WDIO punched the wrong button or threw the wrong switch, and suddenly the Northland viewing public was treated to Dennis Anderson doing his makeup.

I could've watched this all night, but alas, like a beautiful shooting star or the flicker of a lightning bug, it only lasted for a few seconds.


Ok, but why were you recording him? That's the scary part.

At least he wasn't adjusting his hair piece!!

There's a You-Tube video of John Edwards fixing his hair and pursing up his lips as he holds a hand mirror that's rather entertaining. There's even a soundtrack to it: "I feel pretty."

yeah how do you have a screen shot of it?

Tivo + camera.

When I'm bored I check out newscast bloopers on youtube. Some are really funny.

Gosh, I wish I'd seen this. Just for a moment.

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