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Buehler? Buehler?

Did anyone else hear Ken talk about soft core pornography on the news this morning? I love watching when he fills in... such great foot in mouth moments.


details please. i can't believe Ken would do such a thing!

ken rocks, err, rawks.

definitely one of my fave local teevee personalities...

Well he was doing one of his this day in history things and was talking about the Beverly Hillbilly's and an actor on that show and such actor went on to produce some films and "even produced a few Soft Core Porn scenes if ya know what I mean" One other occasions he mentioned that he saw someone in Playboy magazine "so and so was in Playboy.... (long pause) " I only read the articles I swear"

Not only is he one of the best local tv personalities, he's also in the running for Roger's council seat.

Ken is a *great* guy, I've known him for years. I wouldn't mind seeing him on city council. He gets things done and he loves Duluth. Plus, he's been a great proponent of a train between Duluth and the Cities, which I am all for, as I hate having to drive up and down I-35. And his off-the-cuff comments on TV, like his "day in history" anecdotes, are pretty witty, though I've never heard him refer to Playboy or soft-core porn "if you know what I mean."

Ken is definitely interesting to watch when he fills in on the news. But could someone tell him to STOP standing in front of the weather map!!! He blocks the whole region! Grrrrr....definitely bugs me. Haha.

Ken will be/is instrumental to getting a train from here to "the cities". Tangier 57 fully supports Ken as a "man of action".

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