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a peek at L.A. self-loathing in Los Angeles Plays Itself

for the 2nd film in the itty bitty cine program we have the opportunity to see and hear thom andersen's super great film-essay on the identity of Los Angeles that is created thru the pictures that are made there. here is a clip from the film. running time is about 2 1/2 hours starts at 8p.m. monday the 29th at the teatro zuccone. for more info head to ITTY BITTY CINE5bux

thanks to adam, turtle and ____(sorry i cant recall yer name) for coming out to the first screening.


I would highly recommend checking this out. We had a great time at the showing last week and the line-up for upcoming films looks fantastic.

You're never going to be able to see these movies anywhere else.

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