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The Tisdales CD Release @ Pizza Luce this Wednesday!

Our first full-length, "Baker's Dozen", is hot off the presses and ready to help your stereo move some air around. We will also have some piping-hot merch available, so be on the lookout. Opening the show are our good friends from Ely, MN, The Darn Losers. Doors @ 9:30. $5 cover. Come out, dance, and work up a soul-cleansing, Thanksgiving Day hangover. It's all much appreciated!


I haven't been hungover on Thanksgiving since... well, last year! Count me IN!

Rich Mattson is worth more than the price of admission by himself, then you add the rest and you have an amazing band; let alone the rest of the evening.
I'll also bet the CD is great!!!!!

Peace Out

I like how everyone looks bored and tired.

Just nicely toasted.

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