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palin gets pranked


This was hilarious! It's mean, but, at the same time, it provides us with a real glimpse of the real Sarah Palin behind the scenes: a little star-struck, a little gullible, and most of all, damn ignorant. She should have figured it out when the prankster called the Canadian prime minister by the wrong name (if not sooner). What really blows me away is when the prankster tells her -- twice -- he's calling her from a radio program in Montreal. You can hear her hiss, after she's handed the phone off to her assistant, "It's some radio station in France!" Uh, even my almost 11-yr.-old knows Montreal is not in France. Ms. Palin's shocking ignorance of even the most basic facts about the world around her frighten me. This woman has no business running for VP, much less President in 8 years, as she implied in this taped conversation. For anyone to vote for her is just plain irresponsible.

For the record, there are a few Montreals in France.

so you're telling us that you know every city and every town in every country, state, and province? Why, I should vote for you. Yeah, in case you missed it, that was sarcasm. Each one of these candidates are placed under a microscope. So if you were placed under that same microscope you would be perfect? What ever you do now, you have
missed your calling! Calk for President. Mean is mean. And by saying all of this, you may NOT assume I am Republican! Let's not dip to such lows. This was wrong to do to any candidate. I am increasingly disgusted by the lengths people will go in order to humiliate another human being. The entire political process is cheapened by it! Rant over.

I immediately thought of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I half expected Palin to ask, "how do I know you are the president of France". And the crazy FM DJs to respond, "can't you tell by our outrageous French accents". The only thing missing was Palin clapping two coconuts together and the DJs pitching a cow.

Zoe, if you really think this is the first time a comedian or anyone else for that matter has tried to prank call a major candidate, you are more naive than your post made you seem. Republican or not, she's from Alaska, and has countlessly prided herself and discussed her experiences of working with Canadian officials. To not know Montreal is in Quebec is disgusting. Mean? Maybe. Funny? Definitely. It's their own damn fault for not having the proper intelligence to actually screen calls and insure legitimacy. What if the comedians had started discussing more classified or sensitive information -- would she have continued under the assumption this was the French PM?

If anything, it certainly is indicative of the idiotic campaign she's a part of.

Zoe, you want to know what's low? Low is telling a crowd of pissed off Republicans that Mr. Obama "pals around with terrorists." Low is telling the same kinds of people that Mr. Obama "doesn't see America the same way you and I do." Low is repeating these subtly racist and most definitely untrue statements over and over, no matter what, even though your audience shouts threats like "Kill him," and "Off with his head," and "He's a terrorist." That, Zoe, is low and very mean. These French-Canadian pranksters merely made Ms. Palin look foolish -- they didn't make her or anyone else fear for her personal safety. And if I were running for VP, or anything, damn straight, I'd know where Montreal is, and other major cities in the world. If these people played a prank on Don Ness and they mentioned Minnesota Gov. Bob Dylan, I think Mayor Ness would know that something was not right. If he didn't I wonder about his intelligence too.

Did I miss something here? Where in this phonecall specifically did Palin say that she thought Montreal is in France? Is it impossible for the president of France to be in Canada?

Yeah PDD'ers , your the shit. You've got all the answers. Not a single one of you hippies could withstand one day of media scrutiny the candidates (democrat or republican) have to endure.

"Yeah PDD'ers , your the shit."

PL - maybe that's why, if Mr. Obama, had called me, I'd have said thanks but no thanks. Because I know I couldn't and wouldn't want to withstand any media scrutiny. Unh unh. So, my attitude is, if Ms. Palin can't stand the heat, she should get out of the damn kitchen.

JC,according your world view, shouldn't all progressive women get out of the "damn kitchen" ? God forbid they stay there and bake cookies all day !

I like cookies

"Patriot" Listener


I'm not running for public office.

'Nuff said.



I feel sorry for the aide who allowed this to happen. "Governor Palin, the King of Mexico is golding for you."

Yes, mean, but funny.

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