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No Authors?

While I love the Duluth Scensters section of the Tribune's website to promote local artists and musicians, I noticed there were no local writers in there. We have a lot of local authors who I am sure could be considerd scensters about town. Anyone know any of them?


Barton Sutter. Poet extraordinaire, and just had a play staged by Rubber Chicken Theater.

How about PDD's own Chris Monroe! She's hit the big-time, is being published by Lerner Books, was a featured author at the Midwest Booksellers Association's annual meeting. And she's as cool as Bart, who would scoff at being considered a scenester, he's more of a curmudgeon.

And what about Duluth's premier podcaster?

Just kidding.

I have a class with Mr. Sutter right now and he is awesome. He reccomended reading "Overburden" by Aaron Brown. i am about halfway through it and it is good. I agree about the curmudgeon title!

Paulie is a writer--and a good one, too.

Danny, I may be wrong, but scenesters have to act like grown-ups, even when drunk off their butts at Carmody's. I don't think someone who claims on his podcast that other people have boogers up their noses or toilet paper hanging off their butts qualifies to be a scenester. More like a pest. And scenesters are out and about town, doing what scenesters do, not just sitting on their computers all day and night, blogging all the time.

nbayuk - Ive been reading Aaron Brown's site for a while and have considered buying his book. Is it worth the $15?

Crap. I guess I'm not a scenester. In my face.

Carmody's? Never been there. Sorry.

I'm not a published author, though I sort-of am. I think true scenester authors around town include: Margi Preus, Lise Lunge-Larsen, Chris Monroe, Paul Lundgren, Louis Jenkins, Ellie Schoenfeld, Sheila Packa, and Barton Sutter. I am sure there are others, but those are the people who've published or else have read from their writings and drawn crowds.

I've drawn crowds, but they're usually mad crowds. I'm sure I'm too old to be considered a hipster scenester, despite my byline showing up here ands there.

I'm talking BOOKS Scribbler, or poetry, or, in Paul Lundgren's case, whatever. Actually, John Ramos is another literati scenester. I LOVE his column in the Tranisistor and his blog. He's someone who should be writing his memoirs, or else a book called "Confessions of A Cab Driver." His stories are wild. I recommend his blog highly, shiningreputation.com. Guess it's hard for him to be a scenester, driving a cab all night, and having young ones at home.

I'd love to hear about more writers and their endeavors. There seems to be quite a few writers in town that write about rocks or the Edmund fitzgerald. It always seems like when someone gets famous and leaves duluth they leave it for good.

Why is that?

Why does Bob Dylan hate minnesota?

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