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Lakeside Comrades, Arise!

I know there are issues at stake tomorrow that are actually important, but let's strike a blow for the alcohol-using/integrated neighborhood economy-embracing population in scenic Lakeside by flocking to the polls to vote YES on the liquor-in-Lakeside issue. Bring a friend--bring torches and pitchforks! To arms!


Probably the only thing on the ballot the other PDD'ers in Lakeside and I will vote the same on.

I'm against it. I think everyone should vote NO.

Many decades ago, the county I grew up in (Roseau) was dry. When the issue went on the ballot, my dad, local doc, campaigned to for a wet county cause he was sick of patching up--or worse, burying--the mayhem that resulted from people tanking up at roadhouses on the county line and then driving home. If people are going to drink they ought to be able to do it within walking distance of their homes. And it should be an everyday kind of thing, so they don't guzzle it down because it's "special." That was his thinking, anyway. Seems sane to me.

Reading this brings me back to an earlier thread about the DNT. Someone had mentioned the new consultant and the papers slide into a sleazy tabloid. A couple of days ago on the top of the fold front page teaser they had a picture of a distinguished looking Tom Huntley, with the headline, "WILL THIS MAN BRING LIQUOR TO LAKESIDE". Classy!

i know you're not supposed to wear any campaign bling to the polls but can i show up drunk to cast my yes on the liquor vote? cause i'm all for it. YES.

C-freak, go for it, but don't fall down or throw up on anyone or anything like that. I'm doing poll watching tomorrow at precinct #13, and that question came up during training last night. Basically, if someone's drunk, they can still vote. But if they're completely incapacitated, they might be challenged. So, like I said, no tripping over your own feet, no ralphing, you are good to go.

More bars in more places, the new Lakeside.

Good movie. I'm voting for guys who are good around fences and ladders :)

Whoopie doopie...we have fun!!

There is no way you can pull off not falling down at the polls. My recommendation is wait until after- then pull out your porta keg in the parking lot.

Marshall Hardware and Liquor just doesn't seem right to me.

but chris m., she only lives like 20 feet from the polling place. (never fear, you carrie nations out there, my homegirl c-freak doesn't get to vote on the liquor issue.)

Prediction: If this does manage to pass the army of gray hairs that have been fighting it for a century) then whatever business TRIES to sell liquor or even beer in the area will be shunned (nearly to death) by the locals. It's like a little small town with eyes and gossip everywhere. So even if anyone does actually support it they won't want their neighbors to see their cars out front. It has been tried before (witness the like 5th iteration of the business on 47th and superior street, now London Cafe or something). People don't want booze in Lakeside. And people from other parts of town (or anywhere for that matter) are NOT gonna flock to the area to support such a business. People can say they will, but in practice the overwhelming majority of them won't. By and large the customers are gonna be those who live or worship or have family or kids in school somewhere in a mile or so radius around the shop.

I'll hold my opinion for now as I am quite ambivalent myself.

I am seriously considering starting a little Danny Does Duluth Official Moonshine business.

hbh-i wrote it in anyway with a sharpie and invited 3 blue-hairs to my garage. we're swigging off the keg, listening to the hairspray soundtrack and playing with power tools.
luckily, they're all against prop 8.

jp, I live here, very close to the area I would expect any alcohol sales to take place, and I would very much like to see this go through. We've got small children, and so do most of our friends in the neighborhood--and I can't think of anyone who has been all 'ohmigod, demon rum!' about this.

It's possible that the NIMBY weirdos will prevail on this, but no one should imagine that all Lakesiders are opposed to this.

I love living in Lakeside. I put alot into living here and I love the area. I also am very much for the repealing of this ugly, ugly law.

Unfortunately, I do not see it changing. My wife (who is most-definately not a NIMBY weirdo) is opposed to this law being repealed.

That said, I really, truly hope that when we find out later tonight this did not pass (and trust me...it will not) that non-Lakesiders will not make the ugly assumption that it's just a bunch of grey hairs afraid of liquor.

I still go out to my mom's two or five times a week. And my kids' mom lives out there too now. I mean it is really a great place but there ARE a lot of grey hairs. Nothing personal or ageist intended, it's just true.

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