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Holistic Vets in Twin Ports??

Our dog, Junebug, is looking for a more holistic vet in the Twin Ports. She used to go to Lake Harriet Veterinary in Minneapolis when we lived there, and were spoiled. She values shots without themerisol/mercury in them, heart worm preventives that don't affect the brain (like heartguard), and an all around nice staff. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Junebug will love you!



Hey, I don't know about holistic or not, but my family has used Cloquet Animal Hospital for basically 2 generations of dogs. They're amazing, and we traveled there from Superior. My grandfather bred Airedales and recommended Cloquet Animal Hospital hands down. I bet they'd be able to help with the more holistic areas if you were to ask for it. I value trust and an amazing staff above those things, but in general, would recommend them.

Taryn Dentinger is a great place to start.


Dr. Jan Schnell, DVM
16244 S. Swedish Hwy
Dairyland, WI 54830

Holistic Vet

Makes house calls. If you have friends with pets, get them together for a day of pet care/shots and split the cost of the visit.

Or just go to her. Dairyland is pretty close.

I highly recommend Dr. Schnell. She is great. My mom's cat took a spill and had severe problems walking and Dr. Schnell did gentle kitty chiropractic as we dubbed it, and the cat is in great shape now. She does house calls (and let you split the housecall fee if friends bring their pets over, too), and she also has an office in Dairyland, which is a longer, but beautiful drive.

Sweet sweet jubebug.

I posted something a while back similar. [forgive me I'm a dunderhead at posting links]


Everyone here was very helpful.

Since then I've been a loyal supporter of all of the docs and vet techs at North Shore Vet Hospital.
Not an 'alta-vet' but they are open to alternative treatments.

Good luck.

sweet my link worked ... happy day.

Um... how exactly does heartgard "affect the brain"?

Here's what my old vet says about Heartguard, and why he uses Interceptor for all dogs.

"Invermectin (nuheart/heartgard) should not be given to collies, border collies, Australian Shepards, Shetland sheepdogs and Old English Sheepdogs as they have a “mutant” gene which causes them not to be able to metabolize the medication properly which leads to the drug reaching toxic levels in the brain. This medication should not be used in animals allergic to it. Since there is no way to tell if the dog is allergic to it at first, we only prescribe interceptor for all dogs."

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