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Bulging, rolling, eroding clay on Wisconsin Point

The hillside at Wisconsin Point is sloooooowly disappearing. I recommend you check it out before it's gone...in a millenium or two.

Walk east on the beach from the end of the road past the landfill. The hill is descending into the lake. This bulging mass of clay seemed to be slowly rolling down toward the water.

There are many areas like this.

There's alot of this,too.

More rolling clay. It's soft and gooey. Ah, gravity.


...how did you get these nude pics of me???

Erosion is pretty sweet. It's way cool to see geology happening.

Hmm, and if you throw your own pots, that looks like a nice spot to mine a few buckets of free clay, too!

Word has it that this stuff is hard to make a pot from, but would be an excellent glaze if mixed with wood ash. I tried to use it as a straight glaze in a wood firing and it turned baby poop green. I have a 1 year old so I know what I'm talking about.

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