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As if ...

... more proof was needed, Haliburton - seminal archetypal capitalism at it's finest recently applied for a patent on .. of all things, the practice of patent trolling...i.e. patenting something someone else has thought of and then suing them for infringing on their own idea...if this isnt the height of non-productive leechery, I dont know what is.

Orignal story here


A powerful disturbance in the Force I am sensing.

The reasons for the wars that we are in can be sumed up in one word (and it is not terrorism.


Halliburton sounds like a perfect place for a troll to work.

A subsidiary of Haliburton sold the diagonal drilling equipment used by Kuwait to pump oil from beneath the disputed border with Iraq, leading to the first gulf war and everything after. Heck of a job Dick.

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