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An election trail from the bars to the DECC

Duluth Community News Correspondents Abel Gustafson and Jordan Hanson spent Election Night out in Duluth, stopping at bars, a Republican Party gathering and the DECC. Along the way they met up with Duluth Mayor Don Ness and Republican candidate for Minnesota State Senate Pete Townsend. They also run into Steve Knutsen, Dan Critchley, and Jeff Allen, who tipped them off to the Democratic gathering at the DECC.
One of the many reports filed by UMD students during their election coverage.


This was a fun video to watch! THanks for posting it. The DECC party was such a blast, I enjoyed seeing it from someone else's perspective. The DECC really was where the action in Duluth was Tuesday night!

The comparison between the Republican and Democrat parties was, um, quite telling.

So, Steve Townsend's excuse for losing? Blame the voters.

Speaking of uninformed, can anyone validate Steve's statement that Polymet is going to have a 1000 billion (1 trillion) dollar impact? I found this from the star trib:

"PolyMet Mining is planning a $600 million construction project on the site of a bankrupt taconite mine in Hoyt Lakes. The project would bring more than $80 million annually in tax revenue and 400 jobs in a lucrative new vein of mining -- for copper, nickel, cobalt, platinum and even gold."

So without inflation this project would need to pump out tax revenue for 12500 years to make a trillion dollars. If I am wrong (which happens a lot) please correct me. Otherwise, I submit that Steve be declared Oberdouche of Duluth 2008.

The Steve Townsend interview is great stuff. Would it not be the job of his campaign to inform the voters? Is the Polymet deal dead now that Townsend has been defeated? The guy sounds like a dope, but I think I would have supported him if I had known about the trillion dollars.

You know the Republicans are going to go down in utter defeat when even they're abandoning their election night "party" for the DFL celebration at the DECC! It's sad, but at the same time, funny as hell. I'm just sorry this cameraman didn't spend more time at the DECC so people who didn't go could get a full taste of its festive ambiance.

Just wanted to say nice work on the Duluth Community News. Added to my feed list.

I think the Ogre is onto something. People are getting way too casual with trillion dollar figures.

The fate of any mining project rests with commodity prices. When the feasibility studies were being done, copper/nickel prices were about 3x higher (later peaked at 4x). According to Polymet's planning documents, it is still a go at today's levels. If prices continue to decline, then who knows. Just be aware if Mr. Townsend resurfaces crying 'I told you so'.

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