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Lawd knows I've had plenty of these...

pdd 004.bmp

What?! Aw, c'mon! Anyone?.......Fellas?


Ok- I snorted a little.

I only wish I had gotten a picture of the Nor'Shore Gentleman's Club marquee the other day that read "Midget Wrestling Thursday."

That chimney in the background kind of looks like a...chimney.

Where is the "Creepy Duluth Stuff" tag? Smooth Touch are you trying to tell us that your erections only last as long as a trip from Duluth to Superior?

Yeah, travelling about a mile an hour.

Seen it. Rolled around laughing and almost instantly thought of all of you. But I am not pdd saavy enough (yet) to have posted it, glad Berv got around to it.

Aren't you supposed to seek medical attention if you experience an erection that lasts longer than 3 hours if...

Don't you people have anything better to discuss than that ?

We could talk about Ashley Crow's -- I mean Danny G's -- fetishes, I guess. /G/

The sad thing is that it wasn't just one guy that thought of the sign and put it on the truck. It was most likely went through at least 3 or 4 people that all thought it was a good idea. It's a bit sad that no one voiced, "Hey, you know what...?"

I had one yesterday.

That's just like Duluth--always bragging about what a dick it is.

wow Barrett, thats hilarious! and a little spooky.

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