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The time for a jaunt will soon be upon us

2007Nonchalant.JPG 2003Nonchalant.JPG

The 2008 Nonchalant Jaunt will be held on Saturday, Sept. 27. We'll be walking from Wisconsin Point to Connors Point, taking in all the scenic wonder of Superior, Wisconsin -- old ore docks, Indian burial grounds, bars made out of old rail cars, etc.

More details next week. This is your early warning. Come jaunt with us.

And now, for a little Nonchalant Jaunt history ...


The 2003 Nonchalant Jaunt was an eight-person walk across the entire width of Duluth via Highway 23 -- from the former Wabagon Supper Club to the Lakeview Castle. Seven of the eight jaunters made it to the end; one had to go to work.


The 2004 Nonchalant Jaunt was a seven-person walk along Skyline Parkway -- from Mission Creek to the end of Occidental Boulevard. Three made it all the way; four jaunters got too comfortable at the former Buena Vista Restaurant and never finished.


The 2005 Nonchalant Jaunt was the first jaunt that was truly nonchalant. It started at the top of Enger Tower with no planned destination. The crew wandered into the friendly West End, through Graffiti Graveyard, into Canal Park and up through the Hillside.


The 2006 Nonchalant Jaunt started at the Clyde Avenue Boat Launch, went west into Morgan Park and the old U.S. Steel site, and ended at Hugo's Pizza.


The 2007 Nonchalant Jaunt began at Amazing Grace Bakery & Cafe. We strolled over to the Lake Superior Marine Museum to watch an inspirational movie about bulk loading iron ore, then spent the rest of the day walking to the end of Minnesota Point and back.


I see the jaunt is keeping it's current tradition: occuring on a date that I can't make it.
le sigh...

I see a lot of different people in the pictures. Other than Paul, has anyone finished all 5 jaunts?

There are three people who have been to four out of five jaunts. I'm the only five-timer.

I actually have no conflicts with the time you picked this year. I may just have to show up.

Is this a retro thing to call this year's jaunt the 2007 jaunt? or was the 2007 jaunt just so much fun you wanted it to continue?

Sometimes I get stuck in the past. My typo has been corrected.

ooh, when you near the end of connor's point, right after superior steel, you must cross the patch of land that's being leveled and go to the best beach in town.

Hey Paul, lemme know when / where-- The newspaper cut my position (no more arts reporter at the News Tribune! bitch, people!) so now I have time to go.


Ann, this is terrible news! You are one of the best writers at that rag. What a loss to the local arts community, they're not going to be able to replace you. I wonder about that rag's priorities sometimes -- all that ink wasted on the fake lawyer, then they lay you off. Stupid, stupid.

that is pure bullshit! thanks for all you do for the arts ann.

I can only hope to attend a Nonchalant Jaunt. To walk with some of my favorite people in some of my favorite places. Someday I promise myself.

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