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Nonchalant Jaunt VI - The Details


Saturday, Sept. 27

Meet at the end of Wisconsin Point at 10 a.m. We will spend the day walking to Connor's Point. Unpredictable wacky fun will take place.

Transportation from Connor's Point back to abandoned cars on Wisconsin Point provided by The Vandura.

This previous post sort of explains. Either you get it or you don't, I guess.


Will anyone be driving from or through Central Hillside or Downtown Duluth with a couple spare seats?


Alternatively, we could take a bus to Superior if someone could pick us up in Superior and bring us to the end of Wisconsin Point. The bus goes south on Highway 2 until 53rd Ave. E, about half a mile before Moccasin Mike Road.

Lithis, I recommend a "Nonchalant or bust" sign along the highway. Someone should see you.

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