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Audacity or Garage Band whiz?


I have a simple project to edit in either Garage Band or Audacity - and I've been flailing at it. Would someone who knows how to cut & paste so I can pull sound bites out of an interview be willing to spend an hour at a coffee shop with me? You get $20 plus coffee. I get my life and a bit of dignity back.

Lucie (at) twowordy.com

Thank you kindly.


Lucy, the kids here @ HCIS can show you the ins and outs of media editing. Email me for a contact

I'm also available evenings and weekends. And I'll do it for free. What is the media source that you're trying to pull the audio of the interview from?

info @ ryandahlberg dot com

I haven't worked with either of those programs, but I have used the free version of Total Recorder to pull segments of audio files.

Dear Baci, Ryan and Bad Cat,

Thanks for responding. After working on this for over 8 frustrating hours, I found a tutorial online that finally clicked for me. I think I needed to humiliate myself on PDD for the gods to grant me mercy.

Ryan, if I run into trouble, I'll be all over contacting you. I did some interviews on a digital recorder and I'm trying to clean it up a bit.


I record my podcast with audacity. If you ever get stuck on something and you need any more help, let me know. [email protected]

I edit my show on Audacity alla time, any help I can be, glad to provide.


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