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atvs, beer, hillbillys and political discourse!



I am sorry. I don't speak Stupid, can someone please translate?

Sure thing:

"A new life awaits you in the Off-World Colonies. The chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure. New ... A new life awaits you in the Off-World Colonies. The chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure. New climate, recreational facilities ... absolutely free."

I think this could be a "don't use meth" public service announcement. Lebanon?

Thanks, C. I got the same gut response I get when I accidentally find myself watching COPS. Ugh.

Please don't tell me how it ends. :)

I'm sure Hillary cringes every time she watches that video...

just think: these are some of the 50% of americans who actually TAKE an interest in the political process.

and their vote counts just as much as yours and mine.

Better yet, it looks to me as a PSA for threesomes.
WWHS - what would Hillary say?

I like how the flat nosed drive takes a last drink of his beer and then proceeds to toss it in the ditch.

“Inside of me there are two dogs fighting. One is bad and negative. The other is good and positive. The one that wins is the one I feed the most.”

I look over at my immaciated good dog and wonder "When did the Duluth Citizens Blog start filming videos?"

I don't know, Bad Cat, I don't think you'd find many over there who would admit to wanting Hillary.

Well everyone knows that women only vote for vaginas anyway, right Sarah Palin?!?

And everyone knows that all women are pro-choice. Right?

Where is this video from? Just curious.


this is not real
rednecks sell their empties they dont throw them in ditches

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