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This Friday!

I’m having a ‘going away’ party this Friday (August 15th) at Beaner’s Central and Thirsty Pagan Brewery. Here are some details:

Beaners Central | $5

Greg Tiburzi
Ashley Northy
Leane Perius
Jessica Myshack
Adam Depre and Chris Kelly
Two Beat Band
Canine Heart Sounds
The Brushstrokes

Thirsty Pagan Brewery | Free

The Modern Antiques
Old Knifey and The Cutthroats
Dave Mehling
More TBA!

Free wine @ Beaners for the first and lucky few!

I’ll be on 91.3 KUWS tonight at 10 or so. I'll be guest DJ'ing w/ Walt Dizzo - selections from Phillip Glass and Talk Talk.
I’ll be on 95.7 the Bridge (Duluth) tomorrow morning @ 8.


A kind of shock n' awe promotional departure; nice touch. Spread that artistic voice! Give wings to the social utility of song! Of you!

If we were less isolated, and more like the gang from You Can't Do That On Television. I could make fun of this in person, on time and with an audience of peers and loved ones. I'd pop out of a locker and
tell you to get the tables.
And it would suck for you, but there would be my face, edifying polished platitudes of "its-all-love, baby".

But noooooooooooo.

I guess I don't understand...remember when cookies used to be biscuits?

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