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Wild Lakeside.

I'd never seen one of these things in our backyard before. Or anyone else's backyard, for all that matter.

[But I don't get out much.]


I spotted one running up 51st two mornings ago. I had never seen one before either... very cool.

It's a porcupine, at least that's my best bet.

I saw a porcupine on 27th & 12th(?) a week ago. He was very annoyed that I was gawking at him. Very cute though.

Yeah, I've no doubt it was a porcupine. We were just as surprised to see him as he was to see us. He poked his head over the woodpile, saw 15 people, and promptly climbed that tree, where he hid out for about 20 minutes or so, until he thought he'd sneak away. He wasn't exactly stealthy about it though.

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