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Your Geek Culture Update

geekkingSOP.jpgThe latest recipient of my Geek King Seal of Approval was sent to me by none other than my predecessor in geeky royalty, the venerable enealio himself. (All bow at the name.) As I have a Roomba in my family myself (his name is Steve) it pleases my royal heart to see the geekiness of dirt sucking robots meeting the world of ghost chomping video games.

Also, don't forget the Olde Worlde Renessaince-e Faire-e-e in Twig this weekend!

As always, please feel free to send me nominees for the Geek King Seal of Approval. This concludes this royal announcement.


there's an e before the nealio my good king. but i will forgive you.

i actually have two roombas. (somehow acquired two at the same time, not sure how that happened). the one we use is the roomba sage and called DIRTBOT 3000. the one we don't use is red and goes by the name of TOKYO TERROR. (ps, if anyone in the twin cities is interested in buying TT let me know, he needs a home.)

for more roomba geekiness, give your little dirt sucking buddy a new skin.

Oops! The "e" must have slipped down and landed behind the "Faire." I've taken the little bugger and put it back up where it belongs. Those nutty vowels! No telling what they'll do next!

perhaps steve sucked up that e while cleaning.

Thanks for pimping the faire! Will I be seeing you there this weekend?
hint, hint ;)

Depends largely on how much packing I can get done. Moving day comes anon.

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