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Stan Winston Dead at 62

Stan Winston, dead from cancer at age 62.
Stan was THE man when it came to making creepy movie creatures in many of my favorite movies.
You've probably seen his work in: The Thing, Terminator, Jurassic Park, Aliens, Predator, Edward Scissorhands, Batman Returns, A.I., Interview with a Vampire, The Island of Dr. Moreau, Constantine, Iron Man, & more.
He's been a legend in the creature/horror/effects worlds since the 70's, and he will be greatly missed.


This is a sad sad day. Fuck CGI.
Oh, not to diminish the sentiments, but Rob Bottin was resonsible for the FX in "The Thing", not Stan Winston.

This is a sad sad day. Fuck CGI.
Oh, not to diminish the sentiments, but Rob Bottin was resonsible for the FX in "The Thing", not Stan Winston.

Rob Bottin was responsible for most of the effects, but Stan was brought in to assist when the timeline loomed too close for Bottin's team.
And yea, fuck CGI.

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