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Orienteering (another shameless plug)

Once again I'm offering an orienteering class to anyone who wants to partake in the excitement of exploring the area without getting lost. Two 2-hour sessions for only $13. The first one's inside, the second one is all outdoors. Fun guaranteed or I'll return all the net profits. Go here to sign up.


Interested but couldn't access the info on this site.

The link should work, but you can also call them at 336-8708.

Are there any organized orienteering events planned for the Duluth area? I've run only one since moving here (put on by UMD's RSOP) in Bagley. Do maps exist of other parks in Duluth? Hartley, Lester, even Chester would make great courses. I'd be interested in helping to organize one (or some).

There will be a Rogaine (6-hour long orienteering event) in Jay Cooke State Park on August 16th. Details will be on www.mnoc.org. There aren't any regular public events planned in Duluth that I know of. The nearest club is based down in the Cities. I'm just kind of freelancing up here. I also don't know of any maps other than the one I've made of Lincoln Park (which I already have a request from someone else to use). Did the Bagley event use an actual orieteering map?

There is thousands of acres' worth of land in Duluth that would make great orienteering maps, and I may try to do more in the future if I'm in the area for long enough. I think it might be fun to host a small event at Lincoln in the summer or fall, though. Anyone else interested?

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