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Earl Root Jr.


I used to be one of the Godfather of the Overnight's cast of characters on AREA-51. On Garcia's birthday, we'd hijack the station (in a manner of speaking) and hold a 25 hour Dead marathon from midnight to midnight...immediately concluding this, Root and his crew would show up..all metal and hardcore and the vibe'd turn on a dime from feelin groovy to serious hardcore in the blink of an eye.

He also sold me a first press copy of Dark Side (immaculate condition, with posters and stickers) when I used to shop @ Root Cellar on Snelling. I found it one day, had them hold it (i was short on cash) and went in a month later to browse for more music. I had forgotten all about Dark Side when I went to the counter, but he had put my name on it and tucked it away. He asked me if I still wanted it as he pulled it out from under the counter.

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